Thursday, August 5, 2010

What is "Layering"?

Layering. Overlapping. Socialnomics. I like "Layering".

Layering-The art of using some traditional tools and social networking tools to stay in touch/inform and expand your client base.

As a Realtor, expanding your client base is key in providing better service. After all, the main function of a Realtor is to broker deals between buyers and sellers. And, when you as a Realtor have expanded your client base of both potential buyers and sellers, then opportunities will arise for both.

The idea is to have several different means to contact and stay in touch with your client base over extended periods of time. Your client base of course is made up of diverse groups such as, friends, business affiliates, past clients, potential clients, community groups etc. Hopefully, they all would like to be informed and have access to your professional knowledge and expertise.

Layering helps you to communicate and stay in touch with the diversity in a way that can bring people together.

Let's start with the popular Twitter. The more I use Twitter the more I see it's potential to really benefit my clients. The key for me is to always look for new ways to use this great tool.

What I like best is that it is real time. Instant connection. I use my tweets to inform followers about "Hot Property Alerts". I preview 20-40 properties a week. Always there are a few that stand out and these get the "Hot Property Alert" tweet. Often I use twitpic with these alerts. The folks following me get a real sense of the current real estate market. They can benefit from my knowledge.

Of course I will use Twitter to let people know about open houses, mortgage rates, postings on this blog, new items on my website, trends in activity and pricing, articles and blogs relevant to real estate. All the people who follow me can utilize this broad source of information and knowledge as they see fit to their personal need. But, because it is consistent and current, both buyers and sellers will never fall behind in their awareness of what is going on.

Many of the folks following me on Twitter may also be part of my Facebook, Linked In, Mobile App, email groups, or they may only follow me on Twitter. That is okay, whatever is the best for an individual, but I give many choices. The choices and access are "Layering".

Future posts will cover the other aspects and tools. The beauty of all these resources is that the philosophy of the best use is fluid. Improvements and changes are happening daily.

You can follow me on Twitter@kevinmnolan.

Take care.
Kevin Nolan